Developing Parent Leaders Across Nebraska
Based on a successful model in five other states, Parent Ambassadors equips parent and child care providers with the tools to leverage their stories into action that creates lasting change at the local, state, and federal levels.

Parent Leader Outcomes
Evaluation Survey Results 2021 – 2022
As part of evaluating program impact, the inaugural class of Parent Ambassadors were surveyed at the beginning and end of their program year. In addition to changes in civic attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors, the majority of parents reported that, as a direct result of Parent Ambassadors, they had thought about or taken steps to make changes in their personal lives.
“If anyone is in doubt or seeking ways to speak up, or advocate, this is the place to be with Parent Ambassadors.”
– Robin Wilkins, 2022 Parent Ambassador –
About the Parent Ambassador Class of 2022
Parent Ambassadors showed double-digit growth in civic action from pre- to post-program participation
Parents showed substantial growth in knowledge of elected officials and voting attitudes and behaviors

Contacted an elected official

Believe it is important to vote in all elections

Plan to stay connected with the program
Outside of organized program activities, Parent Ambassadors strived to meet their goals in a number of inspiring ways:
Attended the first National Parent Ambassador Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona
Met with Children’s Hospital Board to discuss the change of screening policy for parental mental health
Spoke on panels for early childhood education conferences
Sat on the Parent Policy Council for Early Head Start in rural communities
Testified for LB838 and LB702
Held voter registration parties
Worked with a local nonprofit to expand resources for Hispanic families
Met with their Senator to share concerns, ideas, and offer solutions
Joined the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Program
“I have made connections to leaders in my field that have helped to find a true passion for early childhood care and rural communities and given me a platform to learn and share my passion.”
2022 Parent Ambassador