Our Parent Ambassadors program gives parents and child care providers of early learners the tools they need to advocate for meaningful, lasting change in early childhood education policy. In this series, we’re highlighting our inaugural cohort of 2023 Parent Ambassadors. Get to know them!

Mirian Balcazar
Mother of 3 girls & 1 boy
Works at the Learning Community Center as a Child Learning Provider
Loves learning new strategies and resources to help families
Favorite Quote:
“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” – Oscar Wilde
Tell us about yourself!
I am a mom of 3 girls and 1 boy. I work at the Learning Community Center. I am a Child Learning Provider and work with providers of child care in South Omaha. I love to learn about strategies and resources to help families around me.
What made you want to become a Parent Ambassador?
My supervisor told me about this opportunity. I wanted to take this opportunity because I love how I can help people.
What do you see as the greatest need for your community?
The greatest need in my community is knowing about resources regarding the education of our youngest children. We need to know about good strategies to help our children.
What do you hope to accomplish during your Ambassadorship?
I hope to be a good representative parent and learn about how I can help my community.
Who or what inspires you?
My children and my community inspire me. I would like my community to have more opportunities in other areas like education and resources.
Anything else you would like to add?
I am so excited to start this journey.