Child care providers face unique challenges during cold and flu season. Increased absences among children and staff, along with the higher risk of illness spreading in group settings, can disrupt daily operations. These challenges often lead to staffing shortages, financial strain, and burnout, all while providers work to maintain a healthy environment and ensure consistent care for their children. The Nebraska Exchange and NECC’s Learning Library have everything you need to maintain a healthy, thriving business this winter!
The Impact of Illness on Child Care Settings
Infectious diseases, including colds, flu, RSV, and COVID-19, are common causes of illness absences in child care settings. On average, children in child care settings experience roughly 7-12 illness episodes per year, which averages out to almost 23 days of absence!
Source: BMC Public Health
How the Nebraska Exchange Supports Providers
At the Nebraska Exchange, providers can find resources and support to help navigate the challenges of cold and flu season. The Exchange offers helpful tips on germ-fighting, hand hygiene, immunizations, measles awareness, and oral and vision health. The Exchange ensures that providers have the tools they need to maintain a healthy environment for the children in their care.
Find Resources in NECC’s Learning Library
In addition to the Nebraska Exchange, NECC’s Learning Library offers a range of on-demand training to help child care providers enhance their business practices during cold and flu season. These courses help providers stay up to date on the latest health and safety protocols while improving their daily practices.
E-Learning Courses to Enhance Child Care Practices:
- Healthy Kids, Happy Care: Revamping Child Care Health Policies Post-COVID
- Child Care Center Regulations