Our Parent Ambassadors program gives parents and child care providers of early learners the tools they need to advocate for meaningful, lasting change in early childhood education policy. In this series, we’re highlighting our inaugural cohort of 2023 Parent Ambassadors. Get to know them!

Tiffany Weiss
Mother of 5
Home Visitation Specialist
Graduated from UNK with a Bachelor’s degree in Family Studies
Favorite Quote:
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Harvey Milk
Tell us about yourself!
I am a mother to five amazing children from early elementary to middle school. I received my Bachelor’s degree from UNK in Family Studies and have spent the last five years working as a Home Visitation Specialist for my local school district. In this position, I serve families with children, prenatal through age three, by tracking child development. I also serve on a board for a transgender support group and run an offshoot group for parents with transgender children. In my spare time, I enjoy watching Doctor Who, reading, sewing, and crafting.
What made you want to become a Parent Ambassador?
My program director sent an email with the information for Parent Ambassadors, asking us to pass them along to our clients (which I did) but also encouraging us to apply if we were interested. I wanted to join because I am trying to advocate for my own children in many areas, as well as the families I serve, and I wanted more information on how to advocate effectively.
What do you see as the greatest need for your community?
I see so many needs in my community it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. I think one of the biggest needs is someone who can use their voice to make a change. There are problems, but we need people to fight for solutions. I also see that families need more support. Affordable, quality child care, paid parental leave, longer parental leave, more access to home visitation, and public preschool for all are just some of the issues facing our young families.
What do you hope to accomplish during your Ambassadorship?
I hope to accomplish many things during my Ambassadorship, starting with personal growth. I hope to learn how to speak up and make a difference. I hope to accomplish change by starting conversations about the importance of early childhood and the problems facing young families.
Who or what inspires you?
My children inspire me on a daily basis. The people in our support group inspire me with their stories and struggles. On a bigger level, I am inspired by the work of Harvey Milk and his approach to politics.