Our Parent Ambassadors program gives parents and child care providers of early learners the tools they need to advocate for meaningful, lasting change in early childhood education policy. In this series, we’re highlighting our inaugural cohort of 2023 Parent Ambassadors. Get to know them!

Alicia Hilario
Mother of four
Worked in Early Head Start for four years
Loves going on walks, Friday movie nights with her kids, and being outside
Favorite Quote:
“The pain you are feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming.” – Romans 8:18
Tell us about yourself!
My name is Alicia Hilario and I have 4 kids. I worked in Early Head Start (EHS) for 4 years and enjoyed it so much! While I do not work in EHS anymore, I wanted to find something I could help with or advocate for, and I know how important early learning is. I like going on walks and having Friday night movie nights with my kids. I love spending time with family and being outside!
What made you want to become a Parent Ambassador?
I found out about the Parent Ambassador Program from my mother-in-law who saw the post on social media. I wanted to join because I will always have a love for children, and if I can advocate for them in any way possible, I will do that!
What do you see as the greatest need for your community?
The greatest need in my community is finding resources for families in need, and getting children into early head start so they can begin the learning they need at such a young age.
What do you hope to accomplish during your Ambassadorship?
I want to find and learn more ways to help kids and families in my community learn and grow. I also want to find ways parents can support early learning within their own homes.
Who or what inspires you?
My children inspire me because if it wasn’t for them, I would have never known the importance of early learning and how much it can impact them at such a young age. Also, seeing how happy you can make someone else’s children, and how you can make them feel loved, inspires me.