Our Parent Ambassadors program gives parents and child care providers of early learners the tools they need to advocate for meaningful, lasting change in early childhood education policy. In this series, we’re highlighting our inaugural cohort of 2023 Parent Ambassadors. Get to know them!

Amber Serrano-Wiley
Mother to one son
Completing Master’s Degree in May
Loves volunteering, going to church, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors
Favorite Quote:
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou
Tell us about yourself!
Hi! I’m Amber-Serrano-Wiley and my goodness, I’m so excited to be in this group. I live in Waterloo, NE and I’m married to my Jr. High love. We met at 13! We have an amazing little boy who is 7. We love going to church together on Sundays. Our son is super active and currently on two football teams and one soccer team. We love to be outdoors and travel. I love to volunteer, and I am currently enrolled in my Master’s, which is to be completed in May of 2023! We are busy, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!
What made you want to become a Parent Ambassador?
There was a mama who posted in “West Omaha Moms” about this opportunity. For me, it is important to have kiddos advocating for them. My son was diagnosed with Sensory Process Disorder at the age of 2, so having a voice for those who don’t is important to me.
What do you see as the greatest need for your community?
I would say unification. One person can change the world but imagine what many people with the same passions could do!
What do you hope to accomplish during your Ambassadorship?
I hope I can meet some amazing people with similar passions. I want to take things back to our school district. I also want to be more “in the know” – be in the game more and less on the sidelines.
Who or what inspires you?
By far, my mother and my son! My mom was a single mom working three jobs to keep a roof over our heads. She understood grit. And then my son – he has overcome so much in his 7 years on this world.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I am just super excited to be here!